Association for Consultancy and Engineering campaigns to promote the interests of around 430 UK businesses to Government and other stakeholders.

Although these businesses are of different sizes, and with different skillsets and focuses, they all share a common vision of making our industry the best that it can be for clients, customers, employees and business owners.

ACE has a variety of research projects in the pipeline which will draw together the best of existing research into a workable and deliverable programme for consultancy businesses.

We have also planned a number of other regional, national and online opportunities to meet and contribute to the debate.


Collapsible Blocks - collapsibleBlocksComponent

Future of Consultancy

The two-year and multi-phased Future of Consultancy campaign will help the entire consultancy and engineering sector not only adapt to, but welcome, a new era of des…

Digital Leadership

Digital transformation is one of the overarching themes across the entire campaign. Together with manufacturing and the role of the integrator, digital and technolog…

Contact - memberListComponent
Future of Consultancy

Future of Consultancy

Questions about the campaign? Want to get involved?

phone020 7222 6557
Media  Contact

Media Contact


Please contact Karen McLauchlan with any media queries for ACE.