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Tustin Estate, Southwark

Gaining resident support for the regeneration of a 1960s estate

Equality and health impact assessment helps redevelopment

Community-led regeneration

Gaining resident support for the regeneration of a 1960s estate in London.

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  • ACE Member

    Mott MacDonald

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Tustin Estate is a five-hectare brick-built housing estate located in the London Borough of Southwark.

Constructed in the 1960s and 1970s, the estate is home to a long-standing and diverse community. However, many of the blocks need significant reinvestment, prompting Southwark’s decision to explore options for improving the Estate in 2019.

The estate is subject to the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan which established a minimum target of 20,000 new homes and 10,000 new jobs in the area, it is also part of Southwark’s Great Estates programme which guarantees that every estate is clean, safe, and cared for, while ensuring residents are at the heart of decision-making.  

Mott MacDonald were invited by Southwark to deliver a two-stage Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA) of the improvement programme, intended to help the Council demonstrate that it has eliminated discrimination, advances equality of opportunity, and fostered good relations between different sections of society.

In the first stage, Mott MacDonald assessed a suite of options for improvements to the Estate and focused on the potential impacts of the proposals on people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.

The second stage focused on putting forward a preferred option for redevelopment.

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Mott MacDonald worked closely with the resident steering group throughout the project, attending regular meetings, ensuring the community was informed and had opportunity for engagement.

By delivering outputs that were clear, accessible and in responding to the Residents’ Manifesto, it maintained the trust Southwark had built up with the community to date.

The EHIA has now been completed, and residents have voted in favour of redevelopment.