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NEWS / ACE News / Book Now: Exploring the Building Safety Act 2022

ACE News

22 NOV 2022


Join us for an exclusive member-only webinar with legal affiliate, Beale & Co on Tuesday 6 December at 11am.

ACE is delighted to share a member-only webinar presented by its legal affiliate, Beale & Co exploring the implications of the Building Safety Act 2022 on Tuesday 6 December 2022 at 11am to 12pm.

Laura Hague, chair of ACE’s Health & Safety forum, will welcome Michael Salau and Joanna Lewis of Beale & Co. Together they will explore the new duty holder regime, extensions to the limitation period, enactments, potential coverage issues and risk management, and discuss the potential future scope and possible extensions to the Act.

Michael and Joanna have extensive experience in construction law and will share their expert insight on how the Act potentially impacts the day-to-day work of ACE members. Their extensive experience of construction law will help bring clarity to the new legislation.

Commenting on the webinar, Joannna Lewis, partner at Beale & Co, said: “We’re looking forward to discussing the new Building Safety Act with ACE members. It’s important to keep abreast of changes in this space as there are important implications in a number of areas, including insurance and risk management.”

Laura Hague (Mott MacDonald), chair of ACE’s Health and Safety forum, said: “We’d like to thank Beale & Co for sharing their expertise, knowledge and insight with members on a topic which will be of vital interest,. I’m looking forward to exploring the new Act with them on Tuesday 6 December and hope you’ll be able to join us.”

As with all ACE member-only webinars, there will be an opportunity for Q&As and the chance to ask your questions directly to the experts. This is a great opportunity to get clarity and gain a fuller understanding of what the new legislation means.

Attendance is vital for those working for an SME or large consultancy on building safety, or in insurance related areas. Places are free to anyone working for an ACE or EIC member, simply book online now.