NEWS / ACE News / Download now: Cutting Through the Hype

ACE News

08 JUN 2021


ACE launches jargon-free campaign on digital transformation

Starting with the central idea that core discussions on digital transformation are essentially operational and behavioural issues, rather than technical ones, Cutting Through the Hype is an interactive report and five follow-up blogs from industry leaders exploring strategy, leadership, agility, capability and outcomes.

Taken together they provide a framework for people to take back to their own businesses and make appropriate decisions on technology and investment.

The five deep-dives will be published at ACE’s website over the coming months and start with a blog on strategy from Jon Frost of BWB Consulting published today alongside the initial report.

This will be followed over the summer with separate blogs on leadership by Steven Hale (Crofton Consulting), agility by Richard Shennan (Mott MacDonald), capability by Tony Westlake (Tony Gee and Partners), and technology and outcomes by Marzia Bolpagni (Mace).

Chair of the digital transformation group and Group Digital Delivery Director at Mott MacDonald, Richard Shennan, said: “While most us would recognise that digital means new opportunities, fewer realise that to reap the full rewards of digitisation we first need to focus on changing working practices and culture.

“I’m also aware that it’s an area with a lot of noise and bluster. It’s easy to get side-tracked by noisy marketing campaigns, slick LinkedIn videos and the hundreds of industry experts competing for our attention. We wanted to create something that cut through this hype to the core of the issues – in simple terms, what are the steps needed to realise the benefits of digital transformation? Through this report and the five follow-up blogs, we think we’ve provided an answer that will be applicable to all – from the largest international firms to SMEs.”

Replay our launch event below, or download your copy of the interactive report in the link beneath.


Future of Consultancy - Cutting Through the Hype

June 2021

Helping businesses make critical decisions on digital transformation.