NEWS / ACE News / Holyrood publishes 2021-22 Programme for Government

ACE News
Nicola Sturgeon, SNP twitter.

09 SEP 2021


ACE briefing helps members working in Scotland digest the political priorities and actions

The Scottish Government has published their annual Programme for Government. Published every year at the beginning of September, it sets out the actions they will take in the coming 12 months and beyond, and includes the legislative programme for the next parliamentary year.

Speaking in Parliament, the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon said: “This programme addresses our current reality, but it also looks forward with confidence and ambition to a brighter future. It recognises that out of the many challenges we currently face, a better Scotland - as part of a better world - is waiting to be built.”

To help ACE members digest the announcements, we have drafted a policy briefing which explores the key actions and headline announcements on delivering Scottish infrastructure, responding to the climate emergency and delivering a Net Zero future.

With handy links to the relevant sections of the 120 page plus document, the briefing has been designed to allow members to get up-to-speed on the programme quickly. Once logged in to the site, members can download their exclusive ACE briefing linked below.

Commenting on the programme for government, Stephen Munro (Allen Gordon LLP), chair of ACE Scotland said: “An important political date in the calendar for Scotland, the Programme for Government helps us understand the upcoming priorities for Holyrood.”

“We have create a briefing to help members working in Scotland understand where the political focus and attention will be over the coming weeks and months as recovery continues to grow.”

Download the briefing below. Find out more about ACE Scotland.


Scotland Programme for Government 2021-22

September 2021

ACE Scotland breifing for members on Holyrood's priorities for upcoming year.