NEWS / ACE News / Measuring success with the five capitals approach

ACE News

29 APR 2020


New sustainability paper to launch. Sign-up to webinar now.

The sustainability group’s latest report, Measures for successful outcomes: the five capitals approach, will be released at a special webinar on Wednesday 27 May 2020 at 12.00pm.

The new discussion paper, written with the full input of the members of ACE’s sustainability group, will explore how the five capitals model can help define values which are not purely financial – i.e. the natural, human, social and manufactured capitals.

This approach is, of course, key to ensuring future infrastructure, projects and programmes can deliver on society’s longer-term net zero ambitions. Closer to our immediate issues today with COVID-19, sustainability will be key to recovery.

Chair of the sustainability group Natalie Cropp of Tony Gee LLP said: “The current COVID-19 crisis is a stark reminder that our social connections and community resilience rely on the infrastructure and places we design and build. The challenge comes in bringing this understanding into an integrated decision-making process that can combine aspects in a consistent way and addressing the disconnects that exist. When the opportunity and importance of all aspects of sustainability are properly considered together, the outcomes are greatly improved for all.”

The paper also feeds into related work in this area, notably with the Construction Innovation Hub on behalf of the Construction Leadership Council.

The launch event will feature presentations from Natalie Cropp, as well as Ron Lang, Impact Director and Keith Waller, Programme Director, of the Construction Innovation Hub. Hannah Vickers will host the event and chair the Q&A session afterwards.

Click here to register for the webinar.