NEWS / ACE News / Private Sector Construction Playbook launches

ACE News

16 NOV 2022


Businesses come together to create sister document to Construction Playbook

A group of businesses within the construction sector has joined forces to produce a new publication aimed at combatting low productivity in the industry, the Private Sector Construction Playbook.

With a goal to promote trust and collaboration, the Playbook will in turn help the industry reduce waste, address the skills shortage, and lessen the impact of low margins and investment in construction.

In encouraging private sector clients, their construction teams and suppliers to work in a more collaborative way to help boost productivity, quality and value, they hope to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of the workforce, reduce carbon, and positively impact both the performance and image of the industry. By increasing productivity the industry will be able to cope with increasing skills shortages, use resources more effectively and invest in the sustainable infrastructure which meets Net Zero commitments.

Produced by the Construction Productivity Taskforce – a specialised cohort founded by productivity champions Be the Business  – it brings together developers, contractors, architects, engineers, professional services providers and suppliers.

Neil Humphrey (Waterman Group) chair of ACE’s Procurement advocacy group said: “We’re delighted to see the Private Sector Playbook published. Building on the original Construction Playbook, the document will ensure that we can apply similar principles to the private sector, boosting our productivity as an industry as we aim to deliver ambitions around Net Zero and sustainability.”

“With the two documents now available side-by-side, adoption and implementation will be critical to the success of any new approach. However, It is already clear to me that working in close partnership with stakeholders from across the supply chain will be necessary if the potential of these documents is to be realised. Our sector has a key role to play in economic recovery and building trust and productivity will be vital if we are to play our part in delivering jobs and growth.”

Find out more about the work of ACE’s Procurement group.