NEWS / ACE News / Sunak's plan for jobs

ACE News

09 JUL 2020


Download the member-only briefing note covering the Chancellor’s summer update

Yesterday we celebrated the announcement by the Chancellor of the Construction Talent Retention Scheme, the industry-wide jobs and skills platform that will launch later this month, but there were a raft of announcements which will be of interest to ACE members.

Sunak announced more than £30bn worth of new measures yesterday, all aimed at either supporting, protecting or creating jobs. More specifically, ACE members will want to find out more traineeships and additional grants for apprenticeships. 

On stimulus for the economy, the green home grants, which will give every home up to £5,000 to improve energy efficiency, and a similar scheme aimed at public buildings, will be welcomed. As will the temporary freeze in stamp duty aimed at getting the housing market back up and running.

While technically not new announcements, the Chancellor re-iterated some of the pledges made by the Prime Minister in last week's 'Build, Build, Build' speech in Dudley. For this reason we've also included these in this member-only briefing.

Finally, the Chancellor confirmed that the autumn period will be busy one for ACE  with a Budget, Comprehensive Spending Review and National Infrastructure Strategy, all expected. ACE will be engaging ministers and civil servants around those, as well as through the work of the Construction Leadership Council's Roadmap to Recovery. With the recovery currently still very much on hold, these dates in the political calendar already look like being crucial to our long-term future.

Once logged-in, members can download our exclusive briefing by clicking the link below.


A Plan for Jobs

8 July 2020

Member-only briefing on the summer update from the Chancellor.