NEWS / Industry



Industry faces biggest ever challenge from digitally native ‘i-generation’

Digital transformation will require businesses to embrace the post-Millennial i-generation and the challenges - and oppo…

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Work together to avoid digital chaos, infrastructure tech tsar tells industry

Mark Enzer tells infrastructure conference that collaboration across the industry is key to digital success.

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Diversity is a journey, says Atkins' head of HR

Diversity and inclusion in the infrastructure sector needs to be about diversity of thinking as much as it is about dive…

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Back HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail, northern council leaders tell new PM

Council leaders in the north have urged Conservative party leadership candidates to back HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rai…

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McAlpine returns to profit following heavy losses in 2017

New McAlpine figures show growth in both profit and cash, in what remains a ‘volatile’ market.

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New plans to ‘listen’ to rail lines and spot problems before they cause delays

Passengers and freight are at the heart of innovative Network Rail projects aimed at transforming rail travel.

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£51m funding for Scottish active travel infrastructure in 2019

Scottish government and Sustrans work together to improve walking and cycling infrastructure.

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Galliford Try Partnerships buys Strategic Team Group

New acquisition supports Galliford Try’s ambitious growth strategy, targeting growth in key regions around the country.

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Next PM should make affordable social housing a priority, says Scape Group

Public sector procurement chief speaks out, as new housing statistics show increase in affordable homes, but a further d…

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Heathrow reveals expansion masterplan

Expansion “must not come at any cost” says airport, as scale of scale of potential disruption is revealed.

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EIC to conduct ‘innovation audit’ of DEFRA 25-year environment plan

Environmental sector urged to offer their views on the government’s flagship environment plan.

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Redefining pedestrianisation for the urban age

Delivering an enhanced city-wide green network would help address air pollution and improve citizens’ wellbeing.

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