NEWS / Industry



Highways England starts search for £7bn smart motorways alliance

As part of a new direction for contractual arrangements, Highways England has issued a 10-year smart motorways contract…

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Aberdeen bypass final cost revealed to be “over £1bn” as bosses face politicians

The long-delayed Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route is set to finally open this month but politicians have been told the…

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First students graduate from two-year degree course at Salford

Accelerated degrees are working well for students who want a quicker route to a career and also businesses who want to u…

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Rail timetable chaos must be the catalyst for genuine change, MPs say

While MPs slam the "unacceptable" services passengers endured in 2018, the government has announced that GTR will pay £1…

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Terry Morgan faces axe from roles at Crossrail and HS2

Sir Terry Morgan is reportedly facing the sack from his roles as chair of HS2 and Crossrail after losing the confidence…

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It's time to show how infrastructure improves lives, says CECA

New report highlights the tangible and positive effects that infrastructure has on people’s lives.

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Core Innovation Hub is a new catalyst to transform construction

The man leading the delivery of the new Core Innovation Hub for construction outlines how it can deliver a more producti…

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Core Innovation Hub to transform construction launched

Virtual reality, digital design and offsite manufacturing technologies to flourish in construction following £72m invest…

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Skills shortage crisis will only exacerbate if industry fails to innovate, Scape boss warns

Scape Group's Mark Robinson claims that only by firms utilising Modern Methods of Construction will skills shortages be…

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UK’s biggest road project reaches half-way point milestone

The £1.5bn project to upgrade 21 miles of the A14 between Cambridge and Huntingdon has reached the half-way point.

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The 20-year transformation plan making Russia a global rail leader

On a rare visit to the UK, one of Russian Railway’s most senior figures discussed expansion plans, productivity and why…

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How a Planning Bill could secure vital investment in Scottish infrastructure

Stefano Smith of WYG discusses how legislation for an infrastructure levy could soon end the disjoint between planning d…

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