NEWS / Industry



HS2 talking with contractors to reduce costs on the project

HS2's chief executive has revealed that the organisation is "in talks" with contractors with a view to keep the project…

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Engaging the public early on infrastructure is essential, says Armitt

The public are the ultimate stakeholders when it comes to infrastructure and need to be engaged at every stage, says NIC…

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Industry unites for largest-ever poll on skills shortages to gauge Brexit impact

More than 20,000 construction firms are to be asked for their views on skills shortages.

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Infrastructure’s image problem (and five things to change)

A new study of public sentiment across 29 countries lays bare the challenges and opportunities facing the infrastructure…

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UK's first carbon capture project could be operational by mid-2020s

Three years after scrapping plans for a carbon capture site in Peterhead, the government now says the UK’s first could b…

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New technology to give workers an extra 1,600 hours a year to carry out vital work

New railway technology being rolled out by Network Rail is proposed to save track workers thousands of hours on one the…

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How flood modelling is helping to highlight London’s 680,000 most at risk homes

The CEO of a specialist flood risk assessment firm discussed how new technology is allowing councils and homeowners to p…

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Digital developments changing how citizens influence green issues

Use of new technology means that businesses will need to change the way they engage with consumers.

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How understanding complex data can address environmental challenges

Environmental experts have gathered to discuss the digital revolution and how incorporating new technologies can tackle…

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Heathrow delivers boost to UK’s offsite construction industry

Logistics hubs compete to be part of delivering Britain’s biggest infrastructure project.

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Majority across 29 countries believe investing in infrastructure is vital

The latest Global Infrastructure Index highlights the need for governments to do more on infrastructure.

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Ten years of the Planning Act show increasing openness to DCO regime

Study launched to assess how effective the existing Development Consent Order (DCO) regime is for delivering large scale…

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