NEWS / Industry



WSP calls for greater productivity focus in planning and design

New report sheds light on the potential contribution of the way that cities are planned and designed to boost local prod…

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Rail regulator approves Network Rail’s £35bn plans to boost UK railways

The Office of Rail and Road has today approved £35bn plans to make the UK’s rail network more reliable and passenger fri…

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Budget 2018: Environmental experts unimpressed by lack of action and detail

The government has been hit out at by critics for a lack of environmental detail in this year's budget.

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Leader industry players react to Hammond’s “austerity ending” budget

Major infrastructure firms and representative bodies have reacted positively and negatively to Philip Hammond's budget.

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Budget won’t do much for long-term infrastructure investment

Despite some individual spending promises, the budget will do little for infrastructure investment, says AECOM’s head of…

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New resilience study to examine how infrastructure can withstand future challenges

NIC to undertake study to consider what action government should take to ensure that infrastructure can cope with future…

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An underwhelming budget with few eye-catching announcements

Given that the prime minister has said that austerity is at an end, the chancellor has delivered an underwhelming budget…

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Budget 2018: Hammond unveils £500m to unlock 650,000 new homes

The chancellor has unveiled an additional £500m cash injection to the Housing Infrastructure Fund, while extending a sta…

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Budget 2018: Government to abolish the use of Private Finance Initiative contracts

Philip Hammond has announced the end of new PFI contracts in the wake of the collapse of Carillion after growing pressur…

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Budget 2018: chancellor’s £28.8bn UK road funding receives mixed response

Delivering the autumn Budget 2018, the chancellor has attempted to alleviate the pressures on local councils with extra…

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Transport Systems Scotland opens for business in Scotland

UK technology and innovation centre for intelligent mobility sets up shop in Scotland.

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United Utilities signs artificial intelligence deal in UK first

United Utilities plans to roll out AI across its water network in the north west of England.

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