
02 SEP 2020


Infrastructure Intelligence has launched a new series of live online events taking place this autumn which are sure to be of interest to construction industry professionals, reports Rob O'Connor.

The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series includes four webinars, three ‘In the Spotlight’ interviews and two roundtable events, all of which are free to attend and will take place online hosted on the Zoom webinar platform. All the events in the series are being organised in association with our strategic partner, specialist communications agency for the built environment, BECG.

The new series of events builds on the success of the highly successful programme of summer webinars organised by Infrastructure Intelligence which saw more than 2,000 people attend from across the industry. Infrastructure Intelligence Live starts on Friday 18 September 2020 at 11am with a webinar focusing on infrastructure delivery. Future events in the series, which will run mainly on Fridays from now until the end of the year, will look at the role of the metro mayors in levelling up the North/South divide, delivering a green recovery, planning and procurement reform, working oversees and the prospects for construction and infrastructure in 2021.

Three ‘In the Spotlight’ live interviews are sure to be popular. The first features one of the most influential and high profile people in our industry, National Infrastructure Commission chair Sir John Armitt. In conversation with Infrastructure Intelligence editor Andy Walker, Sir John will discuss his career to date, offer his thoughts on the UK infrastructure sector, talk about the role of the National Infrastructure Commission, the politics of construction, the effects of the Covid crisis on the industry and much more. 

For the second live interview we have pencilled in Ed Milliband, shadow secretary of state for energy and climate change, to be interviewed by Infrastructure Intelligence editor Andy Walker. The former Labour leader has been outspoken about the need to create a green economic recovery calling for “a zero-carbon army” in order to kickstart a green recovery and his views have often been seen as an outlier on the issue. Our third interview features Victoria Hills, chief executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute. One of the most high-profile women leaders in construction, Victoria is passionate about planning great liveable places and has an unrivalled insight into big city governance, having worked for all three London mayors.

Commenting on the new series of events, Infrastructure Intelligence editor Andy Walker said: “I’m delighted that we have been able to organise this series of nine live events and I look forward to us building on the success of our summer webinar series. As our industry emerges slowly into the new normal as we start the recovery from the Covid crisis, it’s more important than ever that we try to bring construction professionals together to discuss some of the key issues we all face as an industry and indeed a society. This Infrastructure Intelligence Live series will provide that opportunity for discussion, debate and knowledge sharing.”

Details of all the events in the Infrastructure Intelligence Live series, including booking information, are included in the links below.

Deliver, deliver, deliver – infrastructure priorities post-Covid 
Friday 18 September 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information.

In the Spotlight interview 1:
Sir John Armitt, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission
Tuesday 22 September 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information

Northern Metro Mayors Roundtable: The role of infrastructure investment in levelling up the North/South divide  
Friday 2 October 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information.

Delivering a green recovery 
Friday 9 October 2020 at 11am 
Click here for further information.

In the Spotlight interview 2:
Ed Milliband, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Friday 23 October 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information.

Planning and procurement reform – delivering the nation’s infrastructure
Friday 6 November at 11am
Click here for further information.

In the Spotlight interview 3:
Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute 
Friday 20 November 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information.

Roundtable – winning work internationally  
Friday 27 November 2020 at 11am
Click here for further information.

Looking ahead to 2021 - prospects for construction and infrastructure
Friday 11 December at 11am
Click here for further information.