
06 NOV 2019


The government has announced Mark Farmer as its new independent champion for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) as part of a drive to make the UK the global leader in housing standards.

Farmer brings 30 years’ experience in construction to the role and will provide independent scrutiny and advice to the government on how to increase the use of MMC in homebuilding. He will also be charged with developing the ‘Construction Corridor’ in the north and promoting wider innovation in the sector.

He will also act as an ambassador overseas for the UK’s MMC activities in homebuilding, using international networks and trade opportunities to attract investment into an industry that could be worth an estimated £40bn once mature.

Farmer has 30 years’ experience in construction and real estate. He is founding director and CEO of Cast Consultancy, and authored a review of the UK’s construction labour model entitled ‘Modernise or Die.’ He is a member of the Construction Innovation Hub Industry Board, the Construction Leadership Council Advisory Group and chairs the MHCLG joint industry working group tasked with enabling greater use of Modern Methods of Construction in the residential sector. 

He is also a member of the mayor of London’s Construction Skills Advisory Group, a board member for the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, a co-chair of Constructing Excellence, a vice chair of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) UK Residential Council, a trustee of the MOBIE educational charity and is an honorary professor at The University of Salford’s School of Built Environment.

Farmer said: “I am delighted to have been asked to carry out this new role. This is a really important time for the construction industry and there is an urgent need to rethink how we build homes, delivering better quality, improved safety, carbon reduction and an array of exciting new career opportunities. I look forward to working with both industry and government to make sure we now accelerate the uptake of modern methods of construction.”