
10 MAY 2021


Built environment communications specialists BECG has launched a Neurodiversity in Planning Engagement Toolkit, to help facilitate and encourage greater neurodiverse engagement at all stages of the planning process.

With 15% of the UK’s total population classed as neurodivergent, the toolkit is a valuable addition to the resources available to those involved in planning consultations and engaging the public. BECG worked with Neurodiversity in Planning and a working group of industry professionals to launch the new toolkit to promote best practice when consulting with neurodivergent people about the built environment.

Neurodiversity is the diversity of all human brains. It includes people with dyslexia, autism, ADHD and dyspraxia, amongst other neurological conditions. These individuals are referred to as ‘neurodivergent’, and account for more than 15% of the UK’s population. These conditions can create challenges and opportunities when undertaking engagement activity, which may result in neurodivergent people being excluded from the planning process.

The Neurodiversity in Planning Engagement Toolkit provides seven principles to guide those engaging with the public and stakeholders as part of planning and infrastructure development as to how they can make their consultation accessible for a neurodiverse audience. The principles aim to make it easier for all people to be able to contribute to, influence and participate in planning and to support people to be able to contribute to planning as suits them best rather than as is easiest for industry professionals.

Commenting on the toolkit’s launch, BECG CEO Stephen Pomeroy said: “More than one in seven people in the UK are neurodivergent, but often little thought is given to ensuring that engagement and consultation activity is accessible to this significant portion of the population. Accessibility measures can often have a narrow focus and be grounded in personal preference, rather than what would work best for large numbers of people.

“Our toolkit seeks to change this by providing practical advice on how to ensure that engagement is genuinely open to everyone. These tips range from small changes which can have a huge impact on the ability for neurodivergent and neurotypical people alike to participate in the planning process, to ideas targeted specifically at broadening access for the neurodivergent.”

Click here to download the Neurodiversity in Planning Engagement Toolkit.