
11 APR 2022


Contractors struggling with the UK government’s social value model have a new framework to turn to for clarity and results.

The Impact Evaluation Standard (IES) claims to be the only framework for the management and measurement of social value that is completely aligned to the government’s social value model. And it has now ensured that all reporting metrics included within the model are incorporated. 

The social value criteria laid down by the government is stringent. Businesses can now use the IES metrics and guidance to submit more accurate and clear tender responses, benchmark against their peers, and thus stand a better chance of winning bids.

Stephen Leo, director of Social Value Solutions, said: “The updates to the Impact Evaluation Standard are a game changer for organisations who need to understand the requirements of PPN 06/20. Until now we have seen government suppliers of all sizes struggling with how to answer social value questions in bids and during contract delivery. All bidders can now be on a level playing field.”

What are the Social Value Requirements?

‘PPN06/20 - taking account of social value in the award of central government contracts’ came into effect in January 2021, mandating that at least a 10% weighting be given to social value criteria in the award of public contracts. The government also provide the social value model – a comprehensive guide on what government procurement teams should ask for in tenders and what they can stipulate as contractual obligations around the delivery of social value.

Rob Wolfe, managing director at Chy Consultancy, explained why creating a framework to support organisations to deliver social value is relevant and important: "While the intent of PPN06/20 to “evaluate" and not just “consider" social value is an extremely positive one - most contractors, and indeed procurement processes and officers, are ill equipped for this move into comparable evaluation. I am excited to see this move by the IES that can drive better measures, behaviours and accountability amongst all involved in the design, delivery and monitoring of social value. Which, in turn, will generate tangible, real and measurable value in the communities within which we all work."

What support is now available?

With the 2022 updates, anyone using the IES to report social value consistently can ensure contractual obligations are now more easily met. Further to this, it means the UK government has more visibility on the delivery of social value through procurement and, most importantly, government suppliers are more ready to adopt practices that ensure the effective delivery of economic, social and environmental improvement in our society.

The Impact Evaluation Standard (IES) is a framework for public and private sector organisations to qualitatively and quantitatively asses their social value. For more innovative or advanced users, the IES also provides 60+ other metrics in addition to the UK ‘proxy values’ which can assist the user to put an indicative £ value on the work they are delivering.

Click here for further information about the IES, or email