
08 AUG 2022


Suppliers have been invited to tender for Pagabo’s latest framework – the £1bn Medium Works framework. 

Tender documents have now been published for the second generation of the framework, which will run for four years from January 2023. It takes the place of the current iteration, which expires in December

The framework will provide a compliant and collaborative route to market for public sector clients to procure medium-sized construction projects valued at up to £10m. 

With a total value of £1bn, the framework will be split into four lots, with up to nine contractors allocated to each region under each lot across core and reserve supplier appointments. 

There are a number of these places reserved for SMEs to ensure fair access for suppliers of all sizes and to promote ample choice for clients, while generating the most positive social impact for communities. 

The lots are: 

  • Lot 1 - £50k to £500k
  • Lot 2 - £500k to £1m
  • Lot 3 - £1m to £5m
  • Lot 4 - £5m to £10m

Jason Stapley, managing director at Pagabo, said: “The current Medium Works framework is one of our most active construction offerings, having seen more than 150 projects procured through it to date. 

“It’s proved a popular option for clients, so we’re pleased to be looking at the next generation and continuing to support public sector bodies to procure the services they need to compliantly deliver their mid-sized schemes.”

Stapley said over the past three-and-a-half years many schemes had been brought to fruition through the framework, including the expansion of Cardinal Newman Catholic School in Coventry, a £5m new teaching block for Horsforth School in Leeds, and Bassetlaw District Council’s first carbon reduction scheme, which saw a significant refurbishment project at Kilton Forest Gold Course’s clubhouse. 

He added: “The new iteration of the framework is aligned with all of the gold standard principles of procurement laid out by the Construction Playbook, ensuring that all clients and suppliers will be working at the forefront of industry best practice when it comes to their built environment projects. 

“We’re now looking forward to receiving tender submissions from suppliers and working with our wider ecosystem to make this new generation of Medium Works the best it can be, ready to go live in January next year.”

The Education Alliance will be the contacting authority for the new agreement, continuing its role from the current iteration of the framework.

Click here to find out more about Pagabo's Medium Works framework