
07 SEP 2022


The majority of adults across the UK are concerned the country is experiencing a water crisis that is only going to get worse in the future, according to research commissioned by Cavendish Advocacy. 

Polling of more than 1,000 UK adults, carried out by Focaldata, shows nearly two thirds (65%) of UK adults are concerned about the water crisis, and 68% think extreme weather events – including droughts and floods - are going to become more frequent.   

Of the people who believe the UK is currently facing a water crisis, 70% revealed the current water crisis has shifted their behaviour towards using less water, suggesting the regional hosepipe bans in various parts of the country are having the desired effect.   

However, despite the ongoing concerns over the rising cost of living, of those who believe there is a water crisis - nearly one in three (32%) would be prepared to pay more for their water bills, if the money was used to invest in better infrastructure to prevent future water shortages and flooding. 

Jennifer Riddell Carpenter, board director at Cavendish Advocacy, said: “Our research shows the UK’s water crisis is a growing concern for many people, who are now expecting these extreme weather patterns of drought and flooding to become more common. 

“The consequences of the prolonged heatwave have clearly hit home with the public and a significant majority have changed their behaviour by making a conscious effort to save water.

“Interestingly, a third of UK adults say they would be prepared to accept higher water bills if it meant finding a permanent solution to water shortages and reducing the risks of flooding and droughts in the future. 

“Politicians and the water industry should take note of the potential public appetite to drive forward a more robust water system, that reduces the risk of droughts and floods.”

The research saw 1,021 adults surveyed from across the UK with data collected by Focaldata on August 17 and 18. 

Corporate reputation management consultancy Cavendish Advocacy is part of the BECG Group, a group of more than 150 communications specialists.