
27 JUL 2021


It’s with great sadness that we have learned of the death of the journalist Jackie Whitelaw at the age of 64. Jackie was a former associate editor of Infrastructure Intelligence from January 2014 to December 2015 and played a key role in setting up the title during its early years. 

She will also be known to many in the UK infrastructure community as the deputy editor of New Civil Engineer magazine from 1998 to 2009, where she worked on many key stories about the industry. I first met Jackie while she was at NCE when I worked for the Association for Consultancy and Engineering and always found her a joy to work with and someone who was kind and very generous with her time and knowledge. Jackie was also great company too and I remember many an awards event (and the odd after party) chatting the night away over something chilled. 

Jackie had a great knowledge of our sector and as well as being an excellent journalist and writer she was also a skilled advocate for the industry, who was always keen to advise on how best to promote companies, individuals and their achievements to best advantage. I remember her being particularly helpful and encouraging to young professionals and also to those making their first steps in writing about construction too. 

The reaction to her death on social media is a testament to the high professional regard in which Jackie was held and many of those who have posted tributes have also mentioned the fondness with which she will be remembered too. 

The world of construction and infrastructure is certainly all the poorer for her death. 

Jackie Whitelaw 1957-2021.