
28 AUG 2019


Public sector procurement specialists the Scape Group has unveiled details of its new £1bn National Consultancy frameworks, which will replace the current Built Environment Consultancy Services (BECS) framework, due to be re-procured in 2020. 

One framework will cover England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the second will solely serve Scotland.

Scape’s prior information notice (PIN) for the re-procurement of the frameworks has been published online via the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) procurement platform, and market awareness days will be held in London, Leeds and Edinburgh during September, where interested companies can request 1:1 meetings.

Accessible to any public sector organisation, the Scape National Consultancy framework will offer what is claimed to be the broadest range of professional services available in the market, with an upper value of £1bn. These will be direct award frameworks, with each lot led by an industry-leading player supported by an extensive local supply chain, whose expertise will drive forward public sector projects at pace.

Each lot provides specialist support in the areas of built environment consultancy, civil engineering and infrastructure consultancy and asset management respectively, giving clients access to comprehensive consultancy services that meet their individual needs.

The services available across the frameworks include, but are not limited to, project management, quantity surveying, building surveying, commercial surveying, architecture and design services, civil and structural engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering, health and safety, highways consultancy and engineering services and strategic asset management.

The frameworks will be open to individual organisations and consortium bids and will run for a period of four years from August 2020. The outline framework and lot, lot information, and lot values are as follows:

  • England, Wales & NI – Lot 1: Built environment consultancy: £350m;
  • England, Wales & NI – Lot 2: Civil engineering and infrastructure consultancy: £250m;
  • England, Wales & NI – Lot 3: Asset management: £100m:
  • Scotland – Lot 1: Built environment consultancy: £150m;
  • Scotland – Lot 2: Civil engineering and infrastructure consultancy: £100m:
  • Scotland – Lot 3: Asset management: £50m;

An OJEU Contract Notice will be published later this year with preferred bidders announced in summer 2020.

Mark Robinson, Scape Group chief executive, said “The decision to widen the remit of our consultancy offer has been taken following thorough market analysis and client consultation. The appointed delivery partner(s) will work closely with local supply chain networks to facilitate access to local companies and to maximise local spend. To date, the BECS framework has engaged with over 335 SMEs through its extensive supply chain. We expect the new frameworks to expand on this success with our broadened range of services.” 

The current BECS framework, led by Perfect Circle – a consortium comprising Pick Everard, Gleeds and AECOM, has been commercially successful, and it is projected to reach its value of £350m. To date, there have been over 1,000 commissions secured through the framework, with a total combined value of over £220m. The current framework will run until October 2020.

Click here for full details of the timescale and further information on Scape’s consultancy framework procurement