
04 AUG 2020


Following the recent publication of its thirty-year transport strategy, sub-national transport body Transport for the South East has started work on a series of area and thematic studies to inform its upcoming strategic investment plan.

The five area studies will look in detail at the transport interventions which can best support and enable sustainable economic growth, improve quality of life and cut carbon emissions to net-zero by 2050 at the latest. A joint team of Steer, WSP and Atkins have been appointed to deliver the area studies programme.

Three studies will focus on radial corridors broadly running north-south and connecting the region with London and other parts of the UK. Two further studies will look at orbital or east-west connectivity including along the south coast.

Alongside this geographic work, two thematic studies will also feed into the strategic investment plan, looking at future mobility and freight, logistics and international gateways. WSP has been commissioned to work on the future mobility strategy and action plan, which will set out how people and businesses in the South East can benefit from new and emerging transport technologies. 

A partner for the freight, logistics and international gateways study will be announced later in the year.

Keith Glazier, chair of Transport for the South East, said: “We’re pleased to be pressing ahead with our technical programme, kicking on from the recent publication of our transport strategy to start work on the building blocks of our strategic investment plan

“Over the next two years we’ll be working with our partners and stakeholders across the South East to set out a series of integrated investment packages to support our economic, social and environmental goals. Together, these will inform our strategic investment plan for the south East which will, for the first time, clearly set out our region’s transport investment priorities.”

Steven Bishop, programme director at Steer, said: “Over the next two years, supported by WSP and Atkins, we look forward to identifying the key priority interventions to help achieve Transport for the South East’s vision and wider environmental, social and economic goals. We are delighted to continue in our role supporting TfSE and its partners delivering real change to transport in the South East.”

Chris Dixon, UK head of transport at WSP, said: “Transport supports people and places as much as it does business and the regional economy, so thinking today about tomorrow’s trends will ensure TfSE and communities across the region are ready for the future. We’re delighted to be collaborating with TfSE on both the area studies and the future mobility thematic study and look forward to continuing our partnership.”

Mike Batheram, growth director at Atkins, said: “The work we will undertake on the area studies will be key to ensuring a better connected, more prosperous and more sustainable South East. The work presents an exciting opportunity for us and our partners to use our collective insights to shape the future of transport in the South East and to contribute to the delivery of the TfSE 2050 vision.”