
29 OCT 2018


The Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) has announced the opening of a Glasgow office in Scotland. The announcement follows the government’s investment of £215m committed to the Digital, Medicines Discovery, Future Cities and Transport Systems Catapult centres last week as part of the government’s modern industrial strategy. 

The TSC hopes to harness Scotland’s ongoing efforts to transform the future of the transport industry in line with the Scottish government’s long-term goals of fostering a smarter, healthier, safer and greener environment. 

Helen Wylde, chief engagement officer at Transport Systems Catapult, said: “Following the announcement of the Scottish government’s national transport strategy and commitment to investing in new innovations within transport infrastructure, there is a huge opportunity for the Scottish transport sector and Scottish cities to lead the way and compete on an international stage, which is why the TSC is choosing to establish a permanent presence in the nation. 

“We believe there’s a huge potential for Scottish universities and SMEs to play a central role in the development of new transport innovations and ultimately, realise life-changing benefits for consumers while creating more efficient and environmentally friendly choices and our goal is to help realise this potential”

Scottish minister for trade, investment and innovation Ivan McKee added: “Recent developments in transport technology further demonstrate Scotland’s world-renowned innovative capabilities and I am confident our ambition for technological advancement will provide a solid foundation on which Transport System Catapult can continue to build its important work.

“The Scottish government is invested in fulfilling Scotland’s technology potential in the transport sector, and our Programme for Government commitments outline our intention to support the development of connected and autonomous vehicles. It is also our ambition to develop mobility as a service, I’m therefore delighted to support Transport Systems Catapult who are doing valuable work in both these areas.  

“I look forward to seeing the benefits new technologies will continue to offer in terms of sustainable economic growth, employment, infrastructure and connectivity.”