22 APR 2019


The man leading the government’s drive to guide the development and adoption of a digital framework for infrastructure data is amongst a high-profile line up of digital and technology experts who will be speaking at ACE’s Digital Leadership Conference on Thursday 20 June 2019.

Mott MacDonald chief technical officer Mark Enzer, who also chairs of the Centre for Digital Built Britain’s Digital Framework Task Group, will address delegates at an event which is set to attract digital leaders from a range of consultancy, engineering and construction firms involved in the built environment.

Enzer is one of the country's most respected champions of innovation in construction and infrastructure and is sure to be worth listening to. He is expected to give an update on the latest work and initiatives of the Digital Framework Task Group which has been tasked with delivering key recommendations from the National Infrastructure Commission’s Data for the Public Good report.

Other speakers at the event include Arup director Tim Chapman, Tideway's engineering information manager Peter Vale, independent digital consultant Tony Scott, Bentley Systems CEO Greg Bentley and Jennifer Whyte director of Imperial College's Centre for Systems Engineering.

The event is aimed at digital leaders in firms creating Britain’s built environment, clients and asset owners, consultancy firms, contractors, offsite manufacturers and partners.The conference will include a review of the research to date from ACE's Future of Consultancy campaign and will test out and achieve consensus on the areas of opportunity to guide the next phase of research.

The conference will also explore opportunities to drive business transformation and value through IT innovation and will offer delegates the opportunity to find out more about the financial and business implications of the strategic challenges facing the industry’s digital leaders. The agenda for the event has been developed with an advisory board of global leaders to ensure that sessions are informative, current and relevant. The conference will also include a number of thought-provoking presentations from the industry and clients.

A dinner immediately following the Digital Leadership Conference will bring together business and digital leaders to discuss the changes needed to future proof the industry. 

Click here to find out more and book places at the Digital Leadership Conference.

