04 MAR 2019


Users of FIDIC contracts and agreements worldwide are being asked to take part in a survey to help make the best-selling documents even better and easier to use.

A task group of the FIDIC contracts committee, Task Group 16, (TG16) is conducting the research to help gather the required data and information to help the organisation to understand how the FIDIC forms of contract and agreements are being used internationally so that FIDIC can improve the services it provides to the global construction sector. 

Adam Bialachowski, a member of the FIDIC task group which developed the survey, commented: “We are looking to collect and analyse data about FIDIC contracts and their usage worldwide. This survey is one of our task group's key initiatives and it will provide a platform for direct user feedback. We hope the data collected, via many channels including this survey, will help FIDIC decision makers in providing the market with an even better product.”

The FIDIC contracts committee is one of the federation's most active committees. It recommends to the FIDIC board which conditions of contract and related documents should be prepared or updated by the federation and the eight-strong international committee also works closely with FIDIC staff to establish task groups to monitor the committee’s work and review documents to ensure that they take account of the latest industry developments. Members of the committee also liaise with international organisations interested in the FIDIC contracts.

Users of FIDIC contracts can take part in the survey by clicking the link below. The short survey should only take five minutes to complete but the information provided will be very useful in helping FIDIC to improve its range of international construction contracts.

Click here to take the survey.

