NEWS / Press Releases / ACE comments on spending review


04 SEP 2019


Commitment to "infrastructure revolution" welcomed.

Hannah Vickers, Chief Executive of the Association for Consultancy & Engineering has responded to today's one-year spending review by commenting:

"ACE welcomes the announcement today by the Chancellor that he is committed to an infrastructure revolution that will see greater investments made to our existing and much needed new infrastructure networks. We also welcome his announcement that the government will accept the new Public Value Framework which will see spending decisions based on outcomes not just costs which we have campaigned for. As an industry we’re ready and relish this shift towards a more productive relationship - preparing our value based business models to launch in the Autumn. 

"We do, however, note that the real details of the type of investment will be made later in the year in the National Infrastructure Strategy and so we will reserve our judgment till then. With all the political uncertainty that exists in Westminster, it is important that all parties understand that long-term infrastructure investment decision must be made in the national interest and not just for short term political gain.”

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Please contact Karen McLauchlan with any media queries for ACE.