NEWS / Press Releases / ACE comments on Transport Committees proposals for Heathrow Airport expansion


23 MAR 2018


Report explores the proposals for a third runway

Responding to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee report on proposals for a third runway at Heathrow, Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, chief executive of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE), said:

"The infrastructure sector will be pleased to see progress being made on the long awaited expansion of Heathrow. While MPs have provided a list of valid concerns and issues to be addressed, mainly around air quality, noise, passenger costs and value for money, they have also created much needed clarity on what needs to happen before plans can be approved and construction starts, which is most encouraging.

"We should welcome the fact that the Transport Committee have produced a clear road-map for the airport and the Department for Transport to follow – this will help ease the legislative process for approval in the longer-term and ensure that Heathrow’s expansion plans work for all stakeholders across the UK."

The plans are currently at a draft NPS (National Policy Statement) stage. Once a final NPS has been agreed by both Houses of Parliament, Heathrow can then proceed to a planning application, in the form of a Development Consent Order (DCO).

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