NEWS / Press Releases / ACE comments on Transport Investment Strategy


05 JUL 2017


Chris Grayling launches new long-term infrastructure pledge

The UK Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, has announced a new long-term infrastructure investment pledge, the Transport Investment Strategy.

Commenting on the announcement, Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, chief executive of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE), said:

"ACE welcomes the announcement that has been made today as it demonstrates a considerable opportunity for future investment in our road network. We have long campaigned for VED to be used to fund significant investment in our road network as it will re-establish trust between motorist, the civic society and the government while improving UK connectivity.

"The disconnect between the strategic road network and local roads, particularly around junctions, has lead to bottlenecks in the system that are not good for the productivity of the UK economy. Creating a structure that enables reallocation of VED fund that allows for investment in the entire road network will reduce bottlenecks and traffic jams allowing traffic to flow. The UK's towns and cities are the engines of our economy but it is only by improving the connectivity between the various regions of the UK that we can ensure the economic growth needed in a post-Brexit world."


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