NEWS / Press Releases / ACE responds to updated National Infrastructure Pipeline


26 NOV 2018


Hannah Vickers comments on updated National Infrastructure & Construction pipeline

Responding to the government’s National Infrastructure and Construction pipeline analysis released today, Hannah Vickers, chief executive of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) said:

"The National Infrastructure and Construction pipeline is a useful planning tool for industry and provides a long-term view on the investment plans of government, councils and the private sector. However, the 2018 publication does not demonstrate how we are going to meet the country's needs in the longer term, as outlined in the National Infrastructure Assessment published earlier this year, and is therefore of limited use.

"As it currently stands, we are reaching the end of the spending review and AMP settlements which bring their own levels of uncertainty in the medium term. Furthermore, the pipeline excludes detail on most regional transport spending. All of this means SMEs, and those who work on smaller projects, have fewer opportunities to plan and engage.

"The industry wants the pipeline to deliver the right blend of short-term certainty and a longer-term direction of travel. This will ensure we have the confidence to robustly prepare for delivery and the opportunity to proactively respond to the challenges of delivering the pipeline in its entirety. There is an opportunity in next year's iteration and on conclusion of the spending review and AMP settlements, to provide a comprehensive and sound view of future investment plans."


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