NEWS / Press Releases / ACE welcomes "Business as usual" Budget


29 OCT 2018


Chancellor answers three out of four of ACE calls

Commenting on the Budget 2018, Hannah Vickers, chief executive of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) said:

"Given so much of our short to medium term economic outlook is riding on negotiations with the EU this was, as expected, a budget short on new measures and announcements.  However, we welcome today’s statement as it does recognise the importance of infrastructure investment to building the economy that the UK needs if it is to meet public expectations around housing, jobs and wages. 

"In the run up to the budget, I called on the Chancellor to deliver the National Infrastructure Assessment as outlined by the National Infrastructure Commission, increase investment in the UK road network, release the remainder of the Construction Sector Deal funding, and to reform local infrastructure financing. 

"The Chancellor today showed that he was listening to ACE and its members by supporting three out of four of our recommendations. However, it is disappointing that we have not had a commitment to completing the Construction Sector Deal and I continue to urge the Government to bring forth proposals on how this can be delivered. 

"The Government may wish to call an end to the era of austerity but we will only be able to build a truly secure and prosperous economic future if we invest in the infrastructure and housing that the UK needs. This budget is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to turn aspiration into delivery. ACE’s members stand ready to do their part to make this happen."


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