NEWS / #Large Consultancy


ACE’s Large Consultancy Group Celebrates Success at UK Construction Week 2024

This May ACE's Large Consultancy Group meeting was hosted at the lively UK Construction Week 2024 show in London. We als…

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ACE News

Book Now: Exploring the Building Safety Act 2022

Join us for a member-only webinar with Beale & Co on Tuesday 6 December at 11am.

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Creating global solutions to the fundamental issues we face

Wojciech Szewczak reports from the FIDIC Conference in Geneva.

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How the uncertain times are impacting members

Paul Barnes, policy researcher at ACE, takes a deep dive into the findings of our recent member survey.

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ACE News

Survey shows fears on the economy ahead of economic statement

Nearly 90% of ACE members currently consider inflation an “operational concern.”

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ACE statement on energy

Stephen Marcos Jones: "For all businesses it will provide some immediate relief during this difficult period."

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ACE News

Member survey reveals long-term inflationary fears

Snap survey shows impact on wages, energy costs, project delivery and client confidence.

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ACE News

ACE refreshes member support with launch of new helplines

Receive direct support and advice on HR issues, legal matters and R&D tax credits.

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ACE News

Nominations open for this year's Consultancy and Engineering Awards

ACE’s flagship awards return as an in-person event in London on Thursday 19 January 2023.

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ACE News

Download your new ACE member logo

Use the new member logo to showcase your organisation’s membership of ACE.

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ACE News

Download now: PI Insurance FAQs

Login now to access new member-only guidance produced with affiliate, Griffiths & Armour.

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ACE News

The Future of Remote Work

ACE guide explores practical issues and global trends to shape your company’s approach.

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