NEWS / #Policy

ACE News

Download now: Productive Placemaking

APPG on Building Communities demonstrates link between place, planning and productivity.

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Organising and collaborating to meet net zero challenge

ACE and EIC are leading the way as we strive for net zero in infrastructure, says Poppy Kettle.

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A clear roadmap and project pipeline

Gareth Lonie explores the detail of Highways England’s five year plan.

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ACE News

Sunak's plan for jobs

Download the member-only briefing note covering the Chancellor’s summer update.

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Shoring up the pipeline

Michael Lunn on the IPA’s recent analysis of upcoming projects.

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ACE News

Projects worth £37 billion expected in next two years

IPA reviews pipeline for 2020/21. Download member-only briefing here.

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ACE News

Shape the CLC’s Roadmap to Recovery

We need your ideas to help restart, reset and reinvent the industry.

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ACE News

Industry shares roadmap to recovery

Two year plan outlined to "restart, reset and reinvent" sector, created with input of ACE.

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ACE News

How the five capitals approach enables a focus on value

New ACE discussion paper available to download now.

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Some thoughts for the Chancellor...

Julian Francis on the investments needed to help the UK back to growth.

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ACE News

Measuring success with the five capitals approach

New sustainability paper to launch. Sign-up to webinar now.

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Proposing viable alternatives to improve policymaking

Gareth Lonie profiles Labour’s recent shadow cabinet announcements.

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