
Net Zero Review: A timely reminder of the economic opportunity

Stephen Marcos Jones reflects on Chris Skidmore’s independent review into Net Zero.

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ACE News

Round two of Levelling Up Funding totalling £2.1 billion announced

ACE reaction and update on forthcoming activity in North West and Midlands.

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ACE News

Advocacy priorities outlined in 2023 Manifesto

ACE shares engagement platform around place, transport, climate change and procurement.

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Looking ahead to a busy year of delivery for members

Stephen Marcos Jones reflects on the last 12 months and looks ahead to 2023.

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ACE News

ACE launches 2023 event programme

Browse our upcoming member-only webinars, in-person conferences and meeting dates.

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ACE News

Formal notice of 2022 AGM

Annual General Meeting takes place online on Thursday 15 December 2022 at 3pm.

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Diversity in Design – from apartheid to gentrification

Labieba February (Ramboll) shares how living in South Africa influenced her views on design.

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ACE News

Autumn Statement: Capital Spending Maintained

Despite challenging macro-economic picture, finance for major projects confirmed.

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ACE reacts to Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement

Stephen Marcos Jones: "Investment in infrastructure [will] deliver the jobs and growth that will help drive the economy…

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ACE News

ACE writes to Chancellor ahead of Autumn Statement

Stephen Marcos Jones: "Maintain spending and deliver certainty with infrastructure projects.”

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ACE responds to PMI Construction figures for October

Stephen Marcos Jones: "It is crucial that Government hold firm on previously agreed plans"

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ACE News

Mini-Budget U-Turns… and what it all means for members

We share the latest from Westminster as Jeremy Hunt becomes Chancellor.

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