NEWS / #Policy


"Rising inflation means difficult times ahead for all businesses”

Stephen Marcos Jones responds to Chancellor's Spring Statement 2022.

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ACE News

Spring Statement: Download your member-only briefing

Explore all of our reaction and analysis to the Chancellor’s Statement.

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ACE responds to NIC Progress Review and CLC Quarterly Net Zero performance update

"It will only be by working together in lock step that we will meet commitments on Net Zero."

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ACE News

Now booking! Budget 22 analysis webinar

We explore the Spring Statement on Thursday 24 March with the CBI and Green Alliance.

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ACE News

Sign-up now to our new political bulletin

Members can now receive a free weekly summary of political activity from ACE.

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Off-site: It's time to shape the future of construction

There is a huge opportunity in championing off-site, says Guto Davies.

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ACE News

Download now: Project Speed and off-site manufacturing

ACE explores how off-site can deliver “better, greener and faster.”

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ACE News

Shaping the Future of our railways

ACE inputs into Whole Industry Strategic Plan for Rail which takes 30 year forward view.

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Delivering the ‘Gold Standard’ for construction

Head of Policy Guto Davies explores the findings of the recently published Mosely Review.

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ACE News

Scars of pandemic revealed by ACE benchmarking study

See how your business performance compares. Get your copy today.

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ACE News

Book Now! Professor David Mosey at ACE policy forum

Author of Mosey Review presents to ACE members on Monday 21 February at 11am.

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An Opportunity for Wales to become a Net Zero leader

After the noise of COP26, Guto Davies analyses Wales’ Net Zero Plan.

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