NEWS / #Manifesto


ACE and EIC addresses the Labour party on winning the UK General Election

On breaking news of the UK General Election results and on behalf of the members of the Association for Consultancy and…

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ACE shares ‘A Plan for the Next Government’

The Association for Consultancy and Engineering outlines practical steps to help the new government act upon the urgent…

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ACE News

ACE and EIC response to the National Infrastructure Commission’s Assessment on Infrastructure 

Kate Jennings, CEO of ACE and EIC responds to National Infrastructure Commission Assessment

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ACE News


ACE responds to government announcement outlining changes to apprenticeship levy from 3 April.

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ACE News

Go big where it counts to hit economic and climate goals, says NIC

ACE calls for confident policy approach, with infrastructure being central to a green and prosperous UK recovery.

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Looking ahead to a busy year of delivery for members

Stephen Marcos Jones reflects on the last 12 months and looks ahead to 2023.

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Turning the political rhetoric of elections into reality

Guto Davies says our members are ready to work with the winners of this week’s elections.

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ACE News

ACE writes to candidates in upcoming elections

Letters shared with parties in the devolved, mayoral and local elections.

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For ACE members, there are important issues at stake...

Director of Policy, Matthew Farrow, on the devolved, mayoral and local elections on 6 May.

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Ready to work alongside government to turn pledges into reality

ACE's Hannah Vickers responds to Queen's Speech.

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Unlocking the pipeline of work our industry, and the country, needs

Julian Francis on what the election result means for our industry.

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ACE responds to General Election result

Hannah Vickers on strong conservative majority and what it means for infrastructure.

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